
Google October 2018 - Present

Funemployment June 2017 - October 2018

I spent exactly 140 days of being intentionally unemployed. I managed to stay pretty busy. I traveled to Iceland, Copenhagen, and Berlin. I learned OCaml and started working in the intersection between OCaml and web development – through that I became a core contributor to FastPack. I watched khan academy videos to learn the basics of how modern day financial systems work as well as learned how to save for retirement. For the seriously boring but in-depth details of my time funemployed, you can check out my log.

Automattic August 2016 - June 2017

I spent 625 working at Automattic, mainly on their flagship open source product codenamed Calypso. I started with barely knowing a lick of JavaScript but by the end was an integral part of its core framework team. My proudest accomplishments were:

Amazon July 2015 - August 2016

I used computers in Seattle to make t-shirts in Texas.